Awesome bodybuilding tips about nutrition,training and supplement.(must read)


1Intensity during a workout is
key. Intensity is giving
maximum effort 100% of the
time while in the gym towards
your workout.

2 Perceived maximum intensity
is NEVER the same as your true
physical limit. Your body is
capable of much more than
your mind allows you to do.
Throw "what you THINK" out
of the door and push your
body past the point of pain.

3 Spent 10 minutes prior to
entering the gym in slient
meditation focusing on your
goals and plan for the
workout ahead of you.

4 .Don't miss a gym day NO
MATTER WHAT the excuse...


1 Supplements without the right food won't do anything for you.

2 Your No. 1 supplement is the food you intake into your body.

3 Don't even think about making
gains or changing your body before you get your food intake correct.

4 After 12-16 weeks of
consecutive training take one
week off to recharge.
Give yourself two days off
from the gym each week to
fully recover.

5 Never do the same workouts
for longer than 4 consecutive
Switch up your workouts to
have different exercises after
those 4 weeks.


1 Eat for what you plan to do,
don't eat for what you just did.

2 Get 7-10 hours of sleep each

3 KEEP A JOURNAL of your
workouts, your diet, your
personal thoughts and
feelings, of EVERYTHING..

4 Supplements without the right
food won't do anything for
you. Your No. 1 supplement is
the food you intake into your
Don't even think about making
gains or changing your body
before you get your food
intake correct.

5 Once you get your diet
straight then glutamine,
creatine, whey protein and a
good multi-vitamin should be
the staple of your supplement
If your supplements aren't
working then go back to your
food intake and check that.
If your food is right then go
back to your intensity in the
If you always do the same
thing repeatedly you are going
to get the same results.

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